the company
Vz POWER is a brand of Carpenterie Pagotto SRL, a private company located in the north east of Italy. Our history goes back nothing less than 35 years now, being already the second generation leading the diversification of our portfolio and the developement of our products and services. We started in aviation around 20 years ago, manufacturing a three axis ultralight of our own design, and adding gradually to our offering a family of proprietary weightshift trikes, paramotor tandem trikes and more recently gyrocopters, all of which have been certified and are exported in several countries around the world.

Our love story with engines
Our passion for motorsports is as old as our company, and we always had a good excuse to tune, modify, and experiment with engines. We gradually increased our level of competence in this domain, and in parallel with the production of our light aircrafts and trikes, we added a complete line of services related in particular to the Rotax engine line: installation, scheduled maintenance, repair and overhauls, both for 2 stroke and 4 stroke. We have our own airfield close to our headquarters, where customers are welcome to land and benefit from our expertise and services. In order to satisfy our curiosity, explore the limitations, validate our ideas and concepts, back up our warranty statemens, we are nowadays equipped in house with a complete engine test bed/dyno for up to 250 horsepower engines.
You are safe with us, we have a solid track in the industry, but we keep the flexibility and the taste for delivering a flawless service, that you can only find in a small company made of very passionate people. People that fly of course, and that understand and back up their product. Customization and OEM production is something we are good at. Need to develope a crop spraying application? Need to get a customized TIG welded steel engine mount to fit our engine on your plane? Need to develop from scratch a flying platform for a specific application like nuclear research/radioactivity mapping? All of that has been done. With success.